Weight -
Sophia weighs around 9lb 7oz. She was putting on around an ounce a day at this point. Im not sure if this is a good weight for her age but she is filling out and starting to look like a lovely chubby baby!
Food -
We switched to formula feeding at 3 weeks old after struggling with breastfeeding. It was a hard decision but in the end it was more beneficial to the both of us to switch. I was having anxiety about each feed knowing that it would hurt, and often spent the full feed crying. Sophia also never seemed full feeding every hour for half an hour was the norm. At 1 month old Sophia was recommened to be feeding 4 oz 6 times throughout the day. She was drinking around 2 to 3 oz. I think this was to do with the switch to bottlefeeding.
Sleep -
Sophia sleeps from around 9pm to 12 - 1am, has a feed then goes to sleep till around 5 - 6am. Then is awake for the day, her naps really have no pattern to them and no consistency in how long they are. She is fairly hard to settle off, even staying awake in car rides! The only thing that seems to settle her is her dad singing and walking! At night she is no problem, straight to sleep. We have just started to put Sophia in bed alone upstairs at night and use the monitors until we go to sleep as she has started to wake alot easier and this gives us an hour or two to wind down and talk without whispering or being scared to move.
Clothing -
Sophia is out of newborn and into her 0-3 month although she seems to be close to reaching her toes in her 0-3 sleepsuits already!
Development -
We have the odd smile, I think they are the real deal as she has started to use her nose and eyes to smile as opposed to just her mouth creasing. Its not very often though! She enjoys tummy time during cuddles only. If you put her on the floor she will scream as soon as she realizes she can't move. She digs her feet into the ground and tries to crawl but it doesn't work and then freaks out. She likes to try hold her head whenever possible! She also likes to be sat up and hates to be laid down unless sleeping at night. Shes just started to make some 'ahhh' sounds.
Kirsty x
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