Sunday, 31 May 2015

Our first family swimming experience!

On Tuesday we took Sophia swimming for the first time. Sophia was 8 weeks old when we went. We had always known that we were going to take her swimming while she was quite young as we want to get her used to the noise and movement while she's young.

I only know the swimming pools in the surrounding areas to where we live. They aren't bad pools, but they're limited in terms of children / baby pools. Gav suggested going to Barnsley swimming bath - Metrodome, where he said there is a fairly size able pool for babies. I'd suggested going swimming the day before but we hadn't set anything in stone so it was a quick grab of clothes and rush around before we set off.

We decided to set off once Soph had a feed as formula fed babies are suggested to wait 30 minutes before going into the pool. So we did this then set off as the swimming bath is 40 minutes drive away. This also gave Soph time to nap on the way there as she has really turned into a car sleeper. When we arrived the car park was packed out! We never realised it was half term eek! We parked up and went in. The metrodome has family changing rooms which was great, double teaming a screaming baby is the way to go hah. I was dreading trying to get on the tight wet suit by myself so that took the pressure off straight away. The swimming baths also provided a swimming nappy which was great but we'd already brought one.

We went straight through to the baby swimming area which was full but not crowded. In fact it made it a little easier to see so many other babies and there reactions to the water. The water was a great temperature as well. Sophia really relaxed during her time in the pool, no crying no panicking. We just pulled her through the water gently. It really was a lovely experience. Her little legs were kicking away under the water, maybe she'll be a natural. After about 20 minutes she started yawning. It's what we were expecting, it must be so tiring for a little baby! She then started to get upset. We left quickly and went back to the changing rooms. I got changed while Gav changed Soph, then we swapped. 

We took a bottle to the swimming baths as we knew she would be hungry from all that exercise! She gobbled down 2 ounces and fell asleep in my arms in the cafe. On the way out we saw that you can get a photographer to take photos of yourself and the little one in the pool! Damn I was annoyed I missed it but we'll be returning in the next few weeks. Then i'll upload the photos here! Sophia slept all the way home. One of many visits I expect :)



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