Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Mummy and me - May

This month I've decided to join in with the  linky mummy and me! The idea comes from Nicola who recognised she was always taking photos of her children but not many with her in them! I can definitely relate to this with my own mum. She has lots of albums full of photos but not many of the two of us together.

Nicola... Life Through My Eyes

After pregnancy it's so easy to want to hide away especially just after giving birth, but it's so important to just try not to care and do it. We can never get this time back. Anyway just because your commiting to taking more family photos doesn't mean you have to post them on social media. Take it, print it out, leave It on your phone, anything. Just having the option in the future is really what's important. 




  1. These are all beautiful photos Kirsty! I think you'll be amazed at the changes, both in Sophia and in you, if you link up to Mummy and Me each month. I'm sure Sophia will have lots of photos with her mummy to look at in the future :) xx

    1. I really love the idea of mummy and me, now that I'm in the swing of it I'm hoping to take some set up photos each month that I can really treasure =) love your photos too! Added you and your lovely blog x

  2. Lovely photos :) I hardly took any photos when my little boy was a newborn, I hated how I felt at the time, but regret it now xx

    1. I know I'm really not a fan of me at the moment lol but I'm doing it anyway! I knew i'd seen your photos before just realised its on instagram! Glad I've found your blog =) added you

  3. Lovely pics, so tiny! :) #mummyandme xx

  4. Ooh she's so little! Lovely photos, totally agree it's best to take them if it's just for your own personal memories xx

  5. Such lovely photos :) photos are so precious xx


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