Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Sophia's 3 month update!

Every month I find myself writing the same thing, but last month again was better than the one before. Spending every day with her is such a privilege and I feel so lucky to be her mum. For the past week I've really let go of blogging. I don't know if it's the warmth that I've been trying to enjoy! The fact that I've been trying to get onto of daily chores myself now, reading on a nighttime or just becoming lazy. But knowing that I still needed to write this really pushed me to start again. I can't wait to read  all these back next year! I have also found it harder to keep going with instagram but the pictures I have already since her birth are amazing and i'm so glad that I have them, sometimes I just need a reminder on how important they really are too me.

Weight- Sophia now weighs (as of today 14 weeks) 12 pounds and 14oz. She is still following the 50th percentile. She doesn't look too different to last month body wise. She hasn't really chubbed out like some babies do.

Food- Soph has 5 7oz bottles a day. Her 1st one is when she wakes up which is between half 5 - 6 and then every 3 to 3 and a half hours later. Her last bottle is at 7.15pm just before bed. We've had a visit from the health visitor today and to talk about weaning, but we still aren't sure about what age we will be starting her at.

Sleep- We are still sleeping through the night!! I can't believe it. She has woken up once during the last month every other night she has slept through even when she had a cold. The thing that made a big difference to us is getting her a sleeping bag. She is now into the stage of grabbing the covers and pulling them over her face, so this definitely stops us worrying as much now!

Clothing- She is wearing 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing. The 0-3 still fit but not for long so we are getting as much use out of them as we can before they are put away!

Development- The biggest part of her development has to be her speech. By the end of the month it was hard getting a word in when she's awake! She will babble for long periods of time. God knows what she's saying. She has started to try to roll, gets onto her side, her back all twisted then rolls back. She doesn't stop moving! Always jiggling and wriggling about. She now has her fingers in her mouth 24-7 unless there's a cloth about.... then it's the cloth in her mouth! She pulls herself forward when laid down. She can sit unaided for a couple of seconds ... if she wants to =)



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