Thursday, 6 August 2015

Sophia's first two teeth and our journey

Sophia now has her first two teeth! I decided to do a post including the photo's I had taken after having a good response on Instagram. The thing is as a obsessive crazy mum, in the months of drooling I checked Google over and over for photos of teething gums. There really isn't much to look at at all. The same good photos are used over and over and they really didn't help me. They were mostly here is the tooth just popping through and here is the tooth.

The reason I was so crazy was I didn't want to give her any medication if the teeth weren't actually coming through. I didn't want to keep filling her with meds for a long period of time. In fact she was pretty unhappy and screamy for a few weeks before I started the photos and we didn't give her anything because her gums only looked and felt swollen nothing more. 
The following photos are over a one week period. It's one a day with one day missing as poor Soph was having a bad day and it just wasn't worth getting a picture. Soph was using the Ashton powders except for one day when she had calpol because she had a fever from her 4 month injections 😁 talk about bad timing! She slept completely normally throughout her teeth cutting so I wouldn't let it worry you because I did worry.. She was very clingy and slept only on me for her naps which I secretly loved haha. She also had a rash on her cheeks which we used sudocreme and Vaseline on and it worked perfectly. 

The first day there was a real change there was a grey / black line through the gums. You could feel the tooth on the right through the gum as well so we knew it was quite close to cutting already. 

On the second day the gum looked white and as you can tell from the photo the line thickened and almost looked bubbly like a blister.

On day three the blister looked as though it had filled out. It also looked more of a red colour than white again. I took this as being swollen.

Hurray day 4 and we have one tooth! It doesn't look like much but damn was that tooth sharp. She didn't calm and we quickly realised tooth number 2 was following. 

Day 5 and you can see the line appearing on tooth number 2. 

Unfortunately I don't have day 6 as this was the bad day. Ta da here is day 7 and the second tooth and you can see that the first tooth has already grown upwards quite quickly. It has now been 2 days since we have had teeth and her appetite has come back with avengence. She has gone from 5 bottles to 7 and is getting back to her normal self. I am no expert but I'm happy to answer Any questions I can in relation to our journey so far..




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