Friday, 19 June 2015

Father's day card making!

Today is our father's day. It's actually tomorrow but Gav's working (boooo) so we changed it. I knew that I wanted Soph to be invovled in her father's day cards right from birth and i'd seen some ideas across Instagram involving young babies. I wanted to make a card using her hands or feet to create a shape. My plan was to do a love heart using her feet. I wasn't sure about what to use to create this, luckily I have a crafty mother (The artistic kind, not the up-to something kind) and she did a little research into it. There are paints that are fine to use, but she came up with the idea of the ink pad. She found one called Save the moment 'Little hands, little feet' Which is sold on amazon for £7.49. 

The product description reads "Non-toxic, acid free, easy clean up baby safe ink to create keepsake imprints of a baby's feet. Use them to stamp on scrapbook pages, announcements, invitations, track baby's growth month after month or best of all as baby's signature on anything and everything for family and friends."

The easy to clean up bit was the enticing bit! It wiped off with a baby wipe very easily! She bought it for us in black so it can be used again and for any purpose to go with different colours. Here's some photo's of us three using the ink pad and of the finished product! Luckily "crafty" mum is great at making cards so she did us a special one for Gavins 1st father's day! 


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