Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Things I said I'd never do

Sophia is two months old now and as a first time mum I've come to realise that a lot of what I had planned to be or do was unrealistic. We have tried to stick to lots of the goals we set ourselves but sometimes we have to let go of the idea of being a perfect parent just to get through the day.

1. Not using a dummy. 
I really didn't want to use a dummy. There's a few reasons. I felt it would be hard to get her to stop using it when she is older. It's hard to keep them clean. I don't really like the look of them! I didn't want to become reliant apon them. 

When we were still in the hospital, the doctors needed her to be settled while she had her medicine administered. A nurse suggested a dummy and then we decided to try it. We just wanted her to be as relaxed as possible. Having a dummy has given me more confidence to leave the house. We hardly use it but having it there makes me feel at ease. She has taken to it now so oops we'll have to deal with the separation later. 

2. Not spiking up her hair. 
I just really disliked babies with their not very much hair sticking up. 

Yeah so ... I basically love her hair spiked now.... I refuse to comb it down haha. 

3. Not sitting her in front of telly.
Obvious reasons didn't want her watching TV. 

It's the only time I can get a piece of toast in the morning. 10 minutes hands free is the best!!! 

There will probably be a list as long as my arm in another 2 months!!! Here's praying we can stick to everything else.



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