Everything started on the 25th of March 2015. I was due on the 19th of March and nothing seemed to be happening unlucky enough I was suffering from chickenpox too so my stretch and sweep had been cancelled. This meant I resided myself to the fact that I was going to be induced.
( around 6am timing contractions, trying to watch TV )
Anyway at about 5am I woke up, I realised my back was hurting quite a lot, but no belly ache. I went to the toilet, by this point of my pregnancy I was permenantly wearing pads in case my waters broke. There was blood on the pad which I knew could be my plug going but it didn't look the typical description of what people say. It was more liquid and blood. So I decided to ring the hospital, at this stage I was still trying to let gav sleep as he was due back at work at 8am. However id left my phone somewhere in the bed! Getting up every hour of the night to pee I'm the kind of person who finds it hard to drift off to sleep. In the end I had to wake gav by turning on the light just to end up finding the phone. The midwife asked me to change my pad and see what happened In the next hour. Even though the contractions were in my back they were strong and regular we timed them and they were every 5 minutes. We spent the hour getting ready in case we had to go in, and getting excited. I did my hair and make up. I rang back the hospital after an hour, the pad now had green liquid, brown and red (sorry tmi lol). The midwife asked me to attend the labour ward instead of the birth centre as green liquid indicated mec which is dangerous for the baby.
We set off to the hospital, the midwives were lovely. I don't remember much of any conversation, the panic that something was wrong blurred everything that was going on. I was put on a monitor to check her heart rate, and also measure my contractions. Gav seemed to enjoy watching it tell us when one was coming and how high it went! I secretly thought it was funny even though they were hurting. They said there was no concern with either and they also tested the pad and said they thought it was just my plug. I was examined, sadly 0cm. Told to go home have a bath and relax, which made me panic as we were still having regular 5 minute contractions.
So we went home, picking up sandwiches on the way, the midwives had said we were looking at anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. The rest of the day was okay, the pain was bearable around a 6/10. No paracetamol yet. Around 9pm it changed the pain suddenly became more intense, I took paracetamol and had a bath, then tried to go to bed. Gav fell asleep but I stayed awake. There was no way I was sleeping through the contractions. All day they were between 10 and 3 minutes apart. I ran another bath and spent another hour in there before going downstairs. By now I felt a bit upset the pain had increased but my contractions were still between 10 and 3 minutes. At about 1am I rang my mum, I'd left gav to sleep I knew that without any sleep I'd need him to feel awake and have energy because I didn't have much left already! I cried and said I didn't know what to do. She begged me to ring the hospital, I ended up doing it just to please her, they said to get back in the bath, leave gav to sleep and ring back in a couple of hours if I really needed to but that without the contractions becoming more regular there was no point me coming in. I went back to the bath. I spent another hour or two in there then decided I WAS going to bed. I went to bed, outside of the bath the pain was so much worse I ended up clinging on to the headboard trying to get through the contractions. At about 3-4am without sleep I decided to wake gav it had become too much to deal with alone...
(I've split this into 2 as it's so long!!)
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