Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sophia's birth story

Everything started on the 25th of March 2015. I was due on the 19th of March and nothing seemed to be happening unlucky enough I was suffering from chickenpox too so my stretch and sweep had been cancelled. This meant I resided myself to the fact that I was going to be induced. 

( around 6am timing contractions, trying to watch TV )


Monday, 9 March 2015

Our week in photos! #1

1. Belly photos from reaching 38 weeks! Still doing good in terms of stretch marks, just a few small ones on my sides. Still half In / half out belly button. I've always had one of those belly buttons that you can never reach the bottom of! Still not as big as I expected myself to be.

2 / 3. I've put these two photos together as they were from the same day. A lovely walk at St Ives in Bingley. Can't walk that far right now so it was a fairly short walk, with Gavin pulling me some of the time, but so nice with the weather changing.

4. Toby carvery! Yum?! 5. Starbucks strawberries and cream! Yum?!

6. Zara baby clothing ordered for babyW. May take individual photos of all of them. Such good quality, and I'm not a superfan of girls being dressed in pink ALL the time. 

7. Taking Zeus and Russ for a walk, lots of poop bags needed 0_o

8. Visit to Skipton castle. It's £7.50 admission which is a little crazy, but luckily we picked a great day for weather, and after having a walk around for the afternoon had a really nice lunch in the sun and a walk around the nearby shops and markets. 

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